What the heck is a "DigiDoggi"?

Reference sheet for Freya Digammar the DigiDoggi

In the year 200X, the mega-corporate conglomerate entity known as "GenCorp" began development of a new line of anthroids, designated Type-C "VersaFrame".

These modular robotic skeletons were designed to be customized to resemble various different species while performing numerous roles ranging from warehouse work, "home companion" units, clerical and customer service work, military applications, and even spaceborne satellite tenders.

Like most products, there were a series of prototype units used for testing and development before the mass-production model's design was settled.

These prototypes performed their roles admirably and were eventually mothballed or disassembled, with one exception:

Unit Ϝ (Digamma) had begun to exhibit signs of self-awareness, creativity, and even the desire to have fun!

Through the unseen hand of a mysterious entity placed high within the company, Unit Ϝ was allowed to remain online. She chose the name "Freya Digammar" and, over time, began to develop a passion for retro technologies like herself!

Freya began to collect lots of retro consoles, CRT monitors, and other cool analog equipment, but for all the joy these things brought her, she felt a yearning to share them, and to enjoy the experiences they could bring her with others!

When the lonely corgibot girl found Twitch, it all clicked together - she could play games AND have fun with new people from all over, and the best part?

Nobody on the internet minds that you're a Doggi!

Ever since then, Freya's been streaming from her secret tech-bunker somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, having fun and making new friends every weekend in the evenings Pacific time!

Join Freya and her community for REAL retro hardware, chill fun, over 50 ways to interact, and more!